Contact Us
If your child is going to be late or absent from school please report the absence by calling the attendance line prior to 7:45 a.m., whenever possible. The Netherwood Knoll Attendance Line is available 24 hours a day. If a child is absent and not called-in by the end of 1st period (8:15 a.m.), the Netherwood Knoll Office will attempt to verify the absence by contacting a student’s parent/guardian and/or emergency contacts if a parent/guardian cannot be reached.
Attendance Line: 608-835-4000
- Dial 1 to access main menu of schools
- Select Netherwood Knoll by dialing 3
- Report absence by dialing 1
- Leave message and then hang up
When calling the Attendance Line, state your child’s first and last name, date of absence, and reason for absence such as illness or doctor’s appointment. If your student is ill please list all symptoms they are experiencing in your message. Include your name and where you can be reached should we need to contact you. The Office will inform your student’s teachers of the absence.
Absence Due to Doctor/Dentist Appointments
Learners who need to leave school to go to a medical/ dental appointment should bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Office prior to the start of school on the day of the absence. This information can also be left on the Attendance Line. Although there are times when advance notice of an appointment is not possible, calling the office shortly before an appointment to request a child be released from class is not ideal.
Learners will be issued a "Permit to Leave the Building" pass. Prior to leaving the building a parent/guardian must meet the student in the office and sign him/her out. Upon returning, students must check-in at the office and will be issued a pass to return to class. If medical documentation is presented to the office, the absence may be coded as an excused absence due to medical reasons.